About the author
Kathy Fish teaches for the Mile High MFA at Regis University in Denver, Colorado. She has published four collections of short fiction: a chapbook in the Rose Metal Press collective, A Peculiar Feeling of Restlessness: Four Chapbooks of Short Short Fiction by Four Women (2008); Wild Life (Matter Press, 2011); Together We Can Bury It (The Lit Pub, 2012); and Rift, co-authored with Robert Vaughan (Unknown Press, 2015). Three of her stories have been Best Small Fictions winners, most recently “Collective Nouns for Humans in the Wild,” chosen by Aimee Bender. This piece was also selected for Best American Nonrequired Reading 2018, edited by Sheila Heti. Additionally, two of Fish’s stories are featured in the W.W. Norton anthology New Micro: Exceptionally Short Fiction (2018).
Wild Life
Collected Works from 2003-2018
by Kathy Fish
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There is no single author who pencils out how we live as people better than Kathy Fish. To read her fiction is to understand the human condition, in all its messy, bloody, luminescent, imperfect glory.
Amber Sparks,
author of The Unfinished World: And Other Stories
Keep this book on your bedside table. Dog-ear it until all the pages are folded. Read it in the bath, teach it, store it in your bag, recite it on street corners. When people stop to ask you what you are doing, tell them that you are reading aloud from a collection by the best flash fiction writer in America.
Amelia Gray, author of Isadora and Gutshot
For more than a decade, Kathy Fish has been skewering the American landscape to bring us startling, unforgettable stories of people trying to forge a path through this shattered world. Her characters—patchwork families, scrappy siblings, unraveling couples, strangers, neighbors, and women confronting the violent self-annihilation that attends motherhood —are wracked by their actions and inactions. If she did not coin the term flash fiction, we have her to thank for singlehandedly growing and elevating the dynamic form, securing its indelible place in the literary canon. With Wild Life, Fish demonstrates time and again why she is one of the most exciting and influential writers we have. Her range is on full display in this brilliant, comprehensive collection, an absolute must for students and teachers, for writers and readers across the genres. “This broken planet needs a hero,” one of her characters says. My hero, bar none, is Kathy Fish.
Sara Lippmann, author of Doll Palace
Matter Press recently released titles from Meg Boscov, Abby Frucht, Robert McBrearty, Tori Bond, Kathy Fish, and Christopher Allen. Click here.
Matter Press is now offering private flash fiction workshops and critiques of flash fiction collections here.
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