Healing Visions
Photographs by Meg Boscov
LIST PRICE: $30. ON SALE $15 + shipping
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Photographs by Meg Boscov
LIST PRICE: $30. ON SALE $15 + shipping
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Collected Works from 2003-2018
by Kathy Fish
Now shipping!
LIST PRICE; $15. ON SALE FOR $10 + shipping
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A collection of spirited flash fiction
by Avital Gad-Cykman
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Ways to Make Your Writing Flash!
by Randall Brown
Limited copies available!
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The darker side of etiquette.
by Tara Laskowski
$10 + shipping
Sold Out!
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by Karen Dietrich
A collection of creative nonfiction flash.
$5.00 + shipping
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by Carol Guess
A collection of flash fiction.
$5.00 + shipping.
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Matter Press recently released titles from Meg Boscov, Abby Frucht, Robert McBrearty, Tori Bond, Kathy Fish, and Christopher Allen. Click here.
Matter Press is now offering private flash fiction workshops and critiques of flash fiction collections here.
08/05 • Baylee Less
08/12 • Rae Gourmand
08/19 • Chiwenite Onyekwelu
08/26 • John Arthur
09/02 • TBD
09/09 • TBD
09/16 • TBD
09/23 • TBD
09/30 • TBD