The Best of the First Ten Years
edited by Tara Laskowski
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SmokeLong Quarterly, one of the oldest and prominent online publishers of flash fiction, has collected the “best of the first ten years” in this anthology of 56 pieces, each one a smoke-long. Also, after each piece, the editor/guest editor who chose that particular story for the anthology explains why s/he chose it, including past editors Kelly Spitzer & Kathy Fish, Founding Editor and Publisher Dave Clapper, Senior Editors Tara Laskowski & Nancy Stebbins, and staff editors Gay Degani, Josh Denslow, Ashley Inguanta, Beth Thomas, and Brandon Wicks.
From the “Foreword”
Dave Clapper, Founding Editor and Publisher, SmokeLong Quarterly
Please do me this favor: after you’ve finished reading this tome, open up your browser to and peruse the archives. Too many writers we’ve published are absent here due to space constraints. But all of them deserve your eyeballs on the page. Also, hug yourself. That you have this volume in your hands means that you’ve contributed, in one way or another, to the success of SmokeLong Quarterly.
Oh, and if you’re coming to us only via this book, here, from our mission statement, is what the name means: SmokeLong Quarterly is dedicated to bringing the best flash fiction to the web on a quarterly basis, whether written by widely published authors, or those new to the craft. The term “smoke-long” comes from the Chinese, who noted that reading a piece of flash takes about the same length of time as smoking a cigarette. All the work we publish is precisely that—about a smoke long.
Thank you so much for finding a smoke’s worth of time to read, and please keep doing so. For reading, I love you; you are part of what has made this work for a decade. Thank you so much.
Matter Press recently released titles from Meg Boscov, Abby Frucht, Robert McBrearty, Tori Bond, Kathy Fish, and Christopher Allen. Click here.
Matter Press is now offering private flash fiction workshops and critiques of flash fiction collections here.
09/16 • Chiwenite Onyekwelu
09/23 • TBD
09/30 • TBD