CNF: 17 years later, my hand still closes in a fist

by Hege Lepri


[Editor’s Note: Click on the image below to view it at full size.]


Hege A. Jakobsen Lepri is a Norwegian-Canadian translator and writer based in Toronto. She returned to writing in 2011, after a very, very long break. Her writing has since been all over the place writing very long short stories and very short poems. She was recently shortlisted Briarpatch’s ‘Writing in the Margins’ contest. She’s been published or is forthcoming in J Journal, Saint Katherine Review, Monarch Review, Citron Review, Sycamore Review, subTerrain Magazine, Agnes and True, Forge Literary Magazine, Fjords Review, Grain Magazine, Typehouse Literary Review, The Nasiona, WOW! -Women on writing, Burning House Press, Haiku Journal, Gone Lawn, Crack the Spine, Carve Magazine, The New Quarterly and elsewhere. You find her on twitter @hegelincanada and on her website: www.hegeajlepri.ca


What surprising, fascinating stuff can you tell us about the origin, drafting, and/or final version of “17 years later, my hand still closes in a fist”?

This piece is based on a lingering memory of our first ophthalmologist back when we lived in Prato, Italy, It has kept going off in my head for all these years (while watching the sassiest, most talented low-vision kid in the world grow up). And I’ve tried to write about in longer essays that all turned to too cheesy.

Finally, during a course in really experimental forms with writer/mentor Nicole Breit last fall, I was able to make sense of it.


Check out the write-up of the journal in The Writer.

Matter Press recently released titles from Meg Boscov, Abby Frucht, Robert McBrearty, Tori Bond, Kathy Fish, and Christopher Allen. Click here.

Matter Press is now offering private flash fiction workshops and critiques of flash fiction collections here.


Poetry, creative nonfiction, and fiction/prose poetry submissions are now closed. The reading period for standard submissions opens again March 15, 2023. Submit here.


09/09 • Rae Gourmand
09/16 • Chiwenite Onyekwelu
09/23 • TBD
09/30 • TBD