Month: November 2016

CNF: Raised To Life

by Patrice Gopo

In the nightmare I find my toddler face up in a shallow pool. Her wide eyes haunt me. (more…)


by Suzanne Verrall


Paper Sandwich Bag

by Jennifer Porter

Little Lamb was the size of a peanut (more…)

CNF: This Is What We Will Do With All Our Grief

by April Bradley

The first time I saw a swastika, it was carved into the forehead of beautiful women who were smiling, leaning into one another as they sat on a sidewalk. (more…)


Check out the write-up of the journal in The Writer.

Matter Press recently released titles from Meg Boscov, Abby Frucht, Robert McBrearty, Tori Bond, Kathy Fish, and Christopher Allen. Click here.

Matter Press is now offering private flash fiction workshops and critiques of flash fiction collections here.


Poetry, creative nonfiction, and fiction/prose poetry submissions are now closed. The reading period for standard submissions opens again March 15, 2023. Submit here.


09/09 • Rae Gourmand
09/16 • Chiwenite Onyekwelu
09/23 • TBD
09/30 • TBD